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Terms for subject Metallurgy (8040 entries)
"alligator skin" effect appelsiininkuoripinta
"cokey center" huokoinen ydin
"cokey center" sienimäinen ydin
"fly" milling leveäsilitysjyrsiminen
0.2 proof stress 2-raja
100% inspection 100%:n tarkastus
180 degrees flat bend test litistämiskoe
180 degrees flat bend test taittokoe
2. full annealing hehkutus
2. wrought iron meltorauta
2. wrought iron putlarauta
2. wrought iron putlateräs
2. wrought iron takorauta
a centralised installation of welding machines or transformers hitsauskonekeskus
a circular area heated to red heat to remove local distortion kutistumispiste
a position at which a welder is working (including equipment) hitsauspaikka
a specified period comprising a time during which an arc runs continuously plus an off time kuormitusjakso
a weld made from one side the penetration bead of which can be seen läpitunkeutunut yksipuolinen hitsi
a weld made upwards by vertical position welding pystyhitsi alhaalta ylöspäin
Abbott bearing curve kantokäyrä