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Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations (562 entries)
accessible housing Barrierefreies Wohnen
accident in the workplace Arbeitsunfall
acknowledgement of paternity Vaterschaftsanerkenntnis
Act on Land Acquisition by Foreign Nationals Ausländergrunderwerbsgesetz
adequate reasons besonders berücksichtigungswürdige Gründe
administrative charge Verwaltungsabgabe
admission as key employee Zulassung als Schlüsselkraft
adoption of convenience Aufenthaltsadoption
advancement of integration Integrationsförderung
after school care club Hort
age of consent to marry Ehemündigkeit
agreement between Switzerland and the EU on the free movement of persons Freizügigkeitsabkommen EUSchweiz
all-partisan status Allparteilichkeit
allocation of dwellings to the homeless and people in assisted living facilities Soziale Wohnungsvergabe
Animal Welfare Ombudsperson Tierschutzombudsmann
Anti-Violence Act Gewaltschutzgesetz
apartment building Wohnhausanlage
Appellate Senate Berufungssenat
application for extension of leave to remain Verlängerungsantrag
Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights Artikel 8 EMRK