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Terms for subject Austrian (usage) (159 entries)
court decision (administrative decision, court order, judgment) gerichtliche Entscheidung
cream Obers
curd Topfen
curd cheese pocket Topfengolatsche
darling Schnucki
direct airside transit visa (type A) Visum A
Director for the Co-ordination of the Co-operation of the Enterprise "City of Vienna - Housing in Vienna" with all Municipal Departments Bereichsleiter für die Koordination der Zusammenarbeit der Unternehmung "Stadt Wien - Wiener Wohnen" mit städtischen Dienststellen
districts Gaue
dumdum (bullet) Dumdumgeschoß
egg dish Eierspeise
eggplant Melanzani
eligible for asylum Asyberechtigter
emergency relief Notstandshilfe
employer Arbeitgeberin
Employment of Foreign Nationals Act Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz
European Economic Area (EEA) Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum
European gooseberry Agrasein
Executive Group for Construction and Technology (Executive Office for Urban Planning, Development and Construction) Geschäftsbereich Bauten und Technik
exemption certificate (five year work permit for foreign nationals subject to the Employment of Foreign Nationals Act, valid for all of Austria) Befreiungsschein
expert opinion by the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) confirming that the intended employment is of general economic interest AMS-Gutachten