Community assistance" – general">

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Terms for subject General (61694 entries)
"catch-the-eye" catch the eye
"CFR" identification number CFR-nummer
"cheese" kaasreflektor
"Christ in the House of Mary and Martha" "Christus in het huis van Martha en Maria"
"Clean Hands" corruption crackdown Propere Handen
"Clean Hands" corruption crackdown Schone Handen
"cohabitation" "cohabitation"
"command and control" approach "voorschriften en toezicht"-aanpak
"Communicating Europe" "Europa overbrengen"
"Community" agency agentschap van de EU
"concrete" bouwvloer
"confessional" procedure biechtstoelprocedure
"cross-category" official transcategoriale ambtenaar
"Crypto" Subgroup Subgroep Crypto
"Cultural Heritage under Threat" "Bedreigd Cultuurbezit"
"daisy cutter" bomb daisy cutter
"daisy cutter" bomb daisy-cutterbom
"Danube" Group interregionale groep Donau
"De Liemers" Regional After-care Centre Stichting Streeknazorg "De Liemers", Didam
"De Stijl" Group de Stijlgroep