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Terms for subject Customs (337 entries)
accompanying document ledsagedokument
accompanying document ledsagepapir
acquisition of origin erhvervelse af oprindelsesstatus
additional TIR carnet særligt TIR-carnet
Agreement between the European Community and the Government of the People's Republic of China on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters aftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Folkerepublikken Kinas regering om samarbejde og fælles administrativ bistand i toldspørgsmål
amount due to the Customs skyldigt toldbeløb
amount due to the Customs toldskyld
approved exporter godkendt eksportør
approved exporter authorisation autorisation som godkendt eksportør
binding origin information bindende oprindelsesoplysning
broker en der klarerer toldgods
broker grænsespeditør
broker klarerer
broker speditør
broker toldklarerer
broker toldspeditør
central headquarters hovedsæde
centralised clearance centraliseret toldbehandling
centralised customs clearance centraliseret toldbehandling
certificate of country of origin oprindelsesattest