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Terms for subject Labor organization (86 entries)
"bon de caisse" "bons de caisse"
ancillary costs påløbne omkostninger
arm's length price armslængdepris
arm's length price fri markedspris
arm's length principle armslængdeprincippet
arm's length principle princippet om armslængdevilkår
associated costs påløbne omkostninger
ball clay plastisk ler
bond kaution
cam box kurveskivehus
cancellation ristorno
capital ties kapitaltilknytning
cash certificate "bons de caisse"
certificate of deposit "bons de caisse"
cessation of payments betalingsstandsning
claim secured in rem pant
claim secured in rem tinglig sikkerhed
claim supported by an in rem interest tinglig sikkerhed
claim supported by an in rem interest pant
depalletizer depalletermaskine