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Terms for subject Trade unions (380 entries)
"no smoking" rule rygeforbud
"triple jump" tredobbelt spring
"triple jump" "triple jump"
2014 Year of Reconciling Work and Family Life in Europe 2014 – året for forening af arbejds- og familieliv i Europa
absolute filter absolutfilter
absolute filter HEPA-filter
achieve a stage in attaining freedom of establishment as regards a particular activity gennemføre en etape af etableringsfriheden inden for en bestemt erhvergsgren
actuarial equivalent of the retirement pension aktuarmæssige modværdi af pensionen
ad hoc groups ad hoc-grupper
Administration, Finance and Security Administration, økonomi og sikkerhed
Administrative Assistants (all relevant departments) Kontorassistenter (alle relevante afdelinger)
aid for geographical mobility støtte til øget geografisk mobilitet
Analytical Assistants Assisterende analytikere
Annual leave årlig ferie
arbitration board voldgiftsinstans
Assistant Director Underdirektører
Assistant to the Deputy Directors Sekretær for vicedirektørerne
Assistant to the Director Sekretær for direktøren
Assistants to the Assistant Directors Sekretærer for underdirektørerne
Association of Local Government Employee Organisations Kommunale Tjenestemænd og Overenskomstansatte