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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
"13th month" pay (annual supplementary pay) ekstra månedsløn"13.månedsløn"
"a" area a)-område
"Arms versus developmemt" "våben for udvikling"
"c" area c)-område
"crowding-out" effect crowding out-effekt
"Enterprising Europe" Conference europæisk konference om iværksætterinitiativer
"Euromanagement" pilot scheme forsøgsprogram Euromanagement
"Exchange and cooperation between culture and enterprise" (ECCE) Forsøgsprogram "Udveksling og samarbejde mellem kulturlivet og erhvervslivet"ECCE
"Growth and environment" pilot project (Community support for environmental investments by SMEs) Pilotprojektet "Vækst og miljø" (fællesskabsstøtte til miljømæssige investeringer gennem SMV)
"in" currency "in-valuta"
"intermediate" labour market tredje arbejdsmarked
"juste retour" principle "fair return"-princippet
"mainly" "hovedsagelig"
"new economy" enterprise "ny økonomi"-virksomhed
"no bail-out" clause "no bail out-klausul"
"no bail-out" clause "no bail out-regel"
"no bail-out" principle "no bail out-regel"
"no bail-out" principle "no bail out-klausul"
"no bail-out" rule "no bail out-regel"
"no bail-out" rule "no bail out-klausul"