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Terms for subject Data processing (172 entries)
Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the United States of America on the security of classified information aftale mellem Den Europæiske Union og regeringen for Amerikas Forenede Stater om klassificerede oplysningers sikkerhed
AND operation og-funktion
attribute elementattribut
attribute of an element elementattribut
attribute of an element attribut
automatic number plate recognition automatisk nummerpladegenkendelse
automatic number plate recognition automatisk nummerpladeidentifikation
back-end computer dedikeret processor
back-end computer back-end processor
back-end computer back-end computer
back-end processor back-end computer
back-end processor back-end processor
back-end processor dedikeret processor
back-end use back-end-brug
binding corporate rules bindende virksomhedsregler
biometric authentication biometrisk verifikation
biometric categorisation biometrisk kategorisering
biometric categorisation biometrisk segregering
biometric enrolment biometrisk registrering
biometric segregation biometrisk segregering