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Terms for subject Banking (293 entries)
account currency kontovaluta
account monitoring kontostyring
account number portability bankkontonumres portabilitet
account number portability nummerportabilitet for bankkonti
Alternative Standardised Approach den alternative standardmetode
ancillary banking service accessorisk bankvirksomhed
assignment of exposures to grades fordeling af eksponeringer i ratingklasser
assignment process ratingproces
automated teller machine automat
automated teller machine automatisk kontor
automated teller machine pengeautomat
automatic cancellation automatisk opsigelse
automatic teller machine pengeautomat
automatic teller machine automat
automatic teller machine automatisk kontor
average risk weight gennemsnitlig risikovægt
back office operation back office funktion
bank balance bankindestående
bank balance banktilgodehavende
bank balance indestående i pengeinstitutter