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Terms for subject Water polo (461 entries)
"back door" "后门"
"under cover" 水下隐蔽
1-2-3 defence 1-2-3防守阵式
180° reverse supine pull 头脚出水用手划水仰泳练习
2-2-2 offence 2-2-2 进攻
across the top
advance beyond the goal-line 超越球门线
advance forward the ball 推进球
advance the ball 推进球
arm high sidestroke 一臂高出水的侧泳
attack the zone 破区域联防
attacking game 进攻型打法
back off 后撤
back shot 向后射门
back throw 向后掷球
backcourt pressure 后场紧逼
backhand block 防反手
backhand lift 反手起球
backhand lob 反手吊球
bait 故意戏弄对手或裁判员