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Terms for subject Judo (907 entries)
53kg women's 57 to 63kg 女子 57~63 公斤级
53kg women's 57 to 63kg 女柔 63kg
a full point 两个半分
a full point 一分
a full point 两个半分
a full point 一分
accredited team doctor 认定之随队医师
adjust the judogi 整理柔道服
adjustment of judogi 整理服装
advance foot sweep 出足扫
advance foot sweep 送足扫扫腿
advancing foot 出足扫
advancing foot 出脚扫
advantageous position 有利的态势
airborne 悬空
airborne 投影状况
airborne 悬空
almost a point 几乎得一分
almost a point 几乎得一分
almost ippon 半分