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Terms for subject Combustion gas turbines (25 entries)
adequation of stress 应力适当〔均衡,均匀化〕
altitude charging 高空增压
augmented jet engine 内外函式喷气发动机
augmented jet engine 具有加力燃烧室的喷气发动机
base of blade 叶片根部
cruising turbine
double-compound turbo-jet 双轴涡轮喷气式发动机
explosion gas turbine 爆燃式燃气轮机
fuel cone 燃料喷雾锥
gravitation energy
intermitted ram-jet 脉冲式冲压喷气发动机
junction compensator 冷端补偿器
multiple-lobe dovetail 枞树形叶根
near sonic 近音〔近声〕速的
outflow conditions 流动出口条件
plate (heat) exchanger 板式换热器
precise casting by the lost wax process 失蜡精密铸造〔件〕
resulting radiation temperature 有效辐射温度
slagging (combustion) chamber 排渣式燃烧室
state of cyclic operation 循环操作的工况