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Terms for subject Electric motors (45 entries)
partly form-wound winding 部分成型绕组
pilot exciter generator 副励磁机
pull-out torque (of a synchronous motor) 失步转矩 (同步电动机的)
pull-up torque (of an AC motor) 最小转矩 (交流电动机的)
rated form factor of direct current supplied to a DC motor armature from a static power converter 由静止电力变流器供电的直流电动机电枢电流的额定波形因数
reference insulation system 基准绝缘结构
resolution 分辨度
single-supply back-to-back test 单电源回馈试验
skew factor 斜扭〔斜歪〕系数
skew factor 反称因数
skewed slot 斜槽
stepping motor 步进电动机
thermal detector 热探测器
thermal protection 热保护
thermal protector 热保护器
tolerance 容差
torque meter test 转矩仪试验
torque meter test 制动试验
voltage withstand test 耐电压试验
voltage-withstand test 耐压测试