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Terms for subject Ceramics (152 entries)
burnish 抛光
burnished 抛光的
casting slip 铸型涂料
celadon 青瓷
ceramic tile 瓷砖
chip 破裂
cobalt blue 钻蓝色
conducive 有助于...的,有益...的
connoisseur 鉴赏家
crazed china 裂纹瓷
creamware 奶油色陶器
Crude ore, clay and additives are mixed in grinding process 研磨需要混合原矿、黏土及添加物
decal 移画印花法,贴花
Dehua porcelain 德化陶瓷
deiron 除铁
delft 荷兰德尔夫特出产的陶器
Delft is a style of glazed earthenware, which is usually blue and white and is originally made in Delft, Netherlands 德尔夫特精陶是上釉陶器的一种,通常蓝白相间,最初是在荷兰的德尔夫特制造的
dental porcelain 牙瓷料
draw 出窑
dull 使暗淡