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Terms for subject Human resources (380 entries)
ability standard 能力本位
absenteeism 旷工行为
affirmative action 补偿措施
affirmative action for non-victims 针对非受害者的反优先雇佣活动
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 美国 1967 年《雇佣年龄歧视法》
AIDS and AIDS related complex 艾滋病和艾滋病综合症
AIDS awareness training 艾滋病意识训练
alternative dispute resolution 解决争端的备选方案
American Society for Training and Development 美国培训与开发协会
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 1990 年《美国残疾人法案》
anchors 职业锚
appraisal feedback 评估反馈
Aquaculture Branch 水产养殖处
assessment centers 评价中心
at risk pay 风险工资
attitudinal structuring 态度构建
attraction-selection-attrition 吸引一选择一磨损
audiovisual training techniques 视听训练技术
availability analysis 可用性分析