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Terms for subject Skateboarding (158 entries)
collarbone 锁骨
concave 脚窝
coper 护桥
coping 横管
corkscrew 540° 侧后空翻 540°
crippler 空翻转体180°
crooked grind 板前磨压
cross-country skateboarding 越野滑板项目
descending and landing 下降着陆
downhill 下坡式
fakie 倒滑
feeble grind 衰磨
flat bottom 池壁间平地
flip 翻板
fore-and-after bridge
four wheel drive 四轮驱动
front side 前面
fun box 乐趣台
go up with the board 带板腾空
goofy 拗脚