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Terms for subject Patents (182 entries)
Company Limited 有限公司
comparable standards 可比标准
consensus 协商一致
copending application 同时待审的申请
Cosmetics and Toiletries 化妆品与盥洗用品
data compilation 数据汇编
dated reference (to standards) 注日期引用 (对标准的)
decision by majority 取决于多数
declare for
deemed-to-satisfy provision 权宜性条款
descriptive provision 描述性条款
direct application of an international standard 国际标准的直接应用
domain of standardization 标准化领域
draft standard 标准草案
end of life 生命终止
end of life 寿命终止
energy recovery (by incineration) 能量回收 (通过焚烧)
enforcement authority 法规执行机构
enter into details 详细叙述〔讨论〕
enter into details 逐一说明