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Terms for subject Hong Kong (152 entries)
Central Clearing and Settlement System 中央结算及交割系统
Certification by Applicant 申請人證明書 'More
Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society 金银业贸易场
Chiyu Banking Corporation 集友银行
Clearing House Automated Transfer System 清算所自动转账系统
Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption 廉政专员
compulsory retirement savings program 强迫性养老储蓄计划
correspondence address 通 訊 地 址 'More
currency board 发钞局
currency board system 发钞局制度
custodian participant 托管商参与者
depositary and Nominee System 存管处及代理人系统
direct stock admission 直接纳人中央结算系统的新股
e-securities declaration and approval system 电子证券申报及批核系统
Electronic Delivery Program 电子交付计划
email 電郵 'More
end-of-day trade data file transfer service 收市后资料传送服务
enterprise information database 企业资讯资料库
entitlement statement 权益报表
Ethics and Guidance Committee 道德及指引委员会