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Terms for subject Planning (707 entries)
"factory method" for calculating output value "工厂法"计算方法
.family income pain 家庭收入计划
activities-on-arcs 箭头网络图
activities-on-nodes 结点网络图
activity duration 作业时间
additional plan of wage fund 工资基金追加计划
aggregate plan 综合计划
aggregate planning 综合计划
aggregate planning 综合规划
aggregate production planning 整体生产计划
aggregate production scheduling 聚集产品的列表
allowances 宽放时间
annual overall plan 年度综合计划
annual plan 年度计划
annual working program 年度工作计划
apparent consumption 表面消费
aquaculture development management 水产养殖发展管理
arrangement of operating sequence 加工顺序安排
arrangement of whole set production 成套生产安排
assimilative capacity 同化能力