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Terms for subject Fashion (95 entries)
3D-Gold 金至尊
A frayed top-hat and a faded brown overcoat with a wrinkled velvet collar lay upon a chair beside him 他旁边的椅子上,放着一顶有磨损的大礼帽和一件褪了色的棕色大衣,天鹅绒领子皱巴巴的
accessory 配饰
Add a small printed label with the content Made in China on the inner brim behind the sweatband 在吸汗带后的帽檐上增印一个小的"中国制造"字样的图标
All the details are correct, including the artillery badge on the shako front 所有的细节都很正确,包括帽子前面的炮兵徽章
anklet 脚镯
arm ornament 臂饰
armlet 臂环,臂镯
bamboo hat 斗笠
bangle 手镯
baseball cap 棒球帽
Before the descent every person is supplied with a protective suit, helmet and shoes 下矿之前每人均配备一套防护服装,一顶安全帽和一双安全鞋
beret 贝雷帽
boater 平顶硬草帽
body ornament 身体上饰物
Boucheron 宝诗龙
bracelet 手镯,手链
bracelet 臂镯
broadbrim 宽边帽