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Terms for subject Horticulture (1913 entries)
abiotic stress 非生物胁迫
ablactation 〔嫁〕
abrasion 破皮指硬皮种子处理
acacia bark 阿拉伯金合欢
acacia gum 阿拉伯树胶
accuracy agriculture 精确农业
accuracy agriculture operation 精确农业操作
accuracy agriculture support system 精确农业支持系统
accurate diagnosis 确诊{医}
accurate diagnosis 准确诊断
accurate seeding of accuracy agriculture 精确农业的精播为主要措施之一
achievements of agricultural science and technology 农业科技成果
acorn crop 橡子作物
acorn harvest 橡子作物
acquiring capacity 获取能力指对农业信息
acquisition expert 知识采集专家
active database management system 主动式数据库管理系统
actual time forecast 实时预测
additional declaration 附加声明
adjustable marker 可调划行器