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Terms for subject Figurative (128 entries)
an army of 一大群
appear out of the blue 意外地出现
appear out of the blue 爆出冷门
autumn of (one's) life 中年之后
be filled with 充满着
be in gear
be in gear 搭上
be in gear
be in gear 合拍
be in gear
be in gear 在正常状态中
before the Flood 上古时代指《圣经》上诺亚时代的大洪水期
between two fires 腹背受敌
between two fires 在两面夹攻中
between two fires 进退维谷
between two fires 左右为难
blue bore 云隙
blue bore 一线希望
bow out 退岀
bow out 辞退