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Terms for subject Security systems (199 entries)
affected area 被影响地区
affected area 受害地区
aftermath of emergencies 紧急事件后果
agricultural preparedness procedures 农业准备程序
alarm 警报器
anti-theft carved doors 浮雕防盗门
anti-theft lock 防盗锁
assessment and analysis of resilience 恢复力评估和分析
beacon transmitter 无线电指向标发射机
brightness scanning 明暗扫描
bugged room 调机机房
calamity-prone area 易受灾地区
cause-and-effect 因果关系
cereal country balance sheets 谷物类国家平衡表简写为CCBS
chemical emergency 化学警报
cipher text 密码电报
cleartext-ciphertext expansion 明文密文扩张
common action programme 共同行动计划
common operational document 共同执行文件
contaminated product 受污染产品