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Terms for subject Physiology (31 entries)
absorbance <-> 吸光率
age pigment 年龄色素
age pigment 老年斑
amount of transpiration 蒸腾量
auris sinistra 左耳
bag of waters 胞衣
bag of waters 羊水囊
depth of focus 焦〔景,震〕深
depth of focus 震〔焦〕深
general appearance 概貌
guttation 吐水[作用]
law of absorption 吸收律
leaf area ratio 叶面积比率
metabolic 代谢[作用]的
mineral theory 无机营养学说
one half 二分之一
one half 一半
peripheral vision 视觉边限
permanent wilting percentage 永久萎蔫百分率
petroleum jelly 石油冻〔膏〕