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Terms for subject Wood processing (2145 entries)
3-layer flakeboard 三层结构碎料板
3-layer particleboard 三层结构刨花板
3-layer waferboard 三层结构防水板
3-layered flakeboard 三层结构碎料板
3-layered particleboard 三层结构刨花板
abutment 打桩工程
abutment 堆积
accelerated ageing 加速熟化
accepted stock 合格浆料
acid wood 干馏材
acid wood 酸性木材
acoustic insulation 隔音
acoustic insulation cork board 软木吸音板
acoustic insulation cork board 软木隔音板
acoustic properties 声学特性
across the grain 交叉方向
across the grain 横纹
adhesive test of plywood 胶合板胶合力试验
adhesiveness 粘性
adhesiveness 黏着性