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Terms for subject Diplomacy (232 entries)
5% <> agree as to 关于方面意见一致
act against 违反
act in concert with 同…一致行动
ad hoccery 特别决定
ad hoccery 专门规定
ad hocery 特别决定
ad hocery 专门规定
away from the point 不着要点的
away from the point 不对题的
away from the point 离题
be a step in the right direction 朝正确方向迈出〔前进〕了一步
be brought into antagonism with 同…对抗起来
be confronted with 面临
be divided in opinion 意见分歧
be in a dilemma 进退两难〔维谷〕
be in abeyance 未定
be in conference 正在开会讨论
be in difficulty 有困难
be on the carpet 在审议〔研究〕中
be on the carpet 受责备