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Terms for subject Navigation (2767 entries)
abandoned salvage deferred 延期的报废打捞
Aberdeen Logistics, Ltd.
Aberdeen Operating Control Center
able bodied seaman 熟练【一级】水手
abort sensing and implementation (instrumentation) system
abort sensing control unit
above-water 水上的
absolute peak current speed 绝对最大海流速度
absolute wet center manifold pressure 浸没式中心管汇绝对压力
acceleration switching valve 加速开关阀
acceleration-canceling hydrophone 消除加速度的水下检波器
acceleration-cancelling hydrophone 加速度补偿水听器
accessory supply system 辅助供应系统
accident mitigation system 事故缓解系统
accommodation 生活设施
accommodation general arrangement 居住舱总布置
accommodation ladder 舷梯
acoustic control and telemetry system 声控和遥测系统
acoustic depth finder 声波测深仪