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Terms for subject Equestrian sports (709 entries)
academic seat 古典骑坐姿势
acceptance to the bridle 驯服性
active leg 控缰主导腿
Albino 白毛马
all-around competition 综合全能马术比赛
allowance 负重减量
allowance race 让步赛马
also-ran 落选马
altering 骗马
Anglo-Arab 英国-阿拉伯马
Anglo-Norman 英国-诺曼马
Appaloosa 阿帕芦萨马
Arab 阿拉伯马
Arabian horse 阿拉伯马
arch 支铁
arena for dressage competitions 盛装舞步赛场
arena for dressage competitions 花式骑术赛场
arm 前肢