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Terms for subject Solar power (410 entries)
absorber 吸热体
absorber area 吸热体面积
absorption peaks 吸收峰
absorptions coefficient 吸收强度
active power of PV power station 光伏系统有功功率
active solar (energy) system 主动式太阳能系统
adding into 添加
air intake valve 进气阀
air mass 空气质量
air type collector 空气集热器
allowable limit 允许限值
aluminum alloy casing 铝外壳
ambient (air) temperature 环境空气温度
amorphous silicon solar cell 非晶硅太阳能电池
aperture 采光口
aperture diameter width 开口直径大小
aperture plane 采光平面
applying film 覆膜
applying film to inner tank 内胆覆膜
assembling system 集成系统