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Terms for subject Idiomatic (223 entries)
a tall order 繁重的任务
a taste of 一点点
a taste of 少量
all for 完全赞同
all for 支持
as clear as daylight 一清二楚
as clear as daylight 非常明显
as far as the eye can reach 就眼力所
as far as the eye can reach 极目
as far as the eye can reach 远及地平线
as sound as a bell 极健全〔清楚〕
as sound as a bell 情况极值
as sure as death 的确
as sure as death 千真万确
as sure as death 必定
at a word 马上
at a word 立刻
at the eleventh hour 在最后时刻
at the eleventh hour 在危急之时
at the eleventh hour 刚要完的时候