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Terms for subject Welfare & Social Security (36 entries)
access to credit 信贷的获得
access to education 教育机会的获得
access to employment 就业机会的获得
access to health care 卫生保健的获得
accessibility of food 食物的可获性
basic food basket 基本食物篮
child care worker 儿童护理员
community based 以社区为基础的
coping mechanism 应对机制
development policy 发展政策
development policy 开发政策
economic and social development 社会经济发展
family care provider 家庭护理员
food safety net 粮食安全网
freedom of assembly and association 集会和结社自由
health centre 卫生院
health centre 卫生所
health post 卫生院
health post 卫生所
health station 卫生院