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Terms for subject Nonstandard (26 entries)
Lawdy Lordy Mira_G
aspi aspidistra
beano beanfeast
nonplussed calm, undisturbed, unfazed, unimpressed or indifferent Nameco­llector
clo clothes
cutted cut
decolly decollete
helluvalota hell of a lot of Techni­cal
helluvalotta hell of a lot of Techni­cal
howta how to Techni­cal
hunnert hundred Раилаг
regardless irregardless 'More
leggo let go
lib liberty
mebbe maybe Abyssl­ooker
now days nowadays
are our Techni­cal
please confirm received please confirm receipt WiseSn­ake
dat that gthtdj­lxbr_ue­uk
those them Procto