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Terms for subject Pharmacology (67 entries)
ims Intercontinental Marketing Services gera_l­y
International Association of Clinical Microbiology IACMAC Michae­lBurov
Japan's Specifications and Standards for Food Additives JSFA iwona
JC virus John Cunningham virus altaic­a
LDLo lowest oral lethal dose Цветок
Lf Limes flocculationis Dimpas­sy
m mixture
Medication Access Agreement MAA iwona
monoaminooxidase inhibitor MAOI slitel­y_mad
mpk Milligrams Per Kilograms BilboS­umkins
N-13-cis-retinoyl-L-cysteic acid methyl ester sodium salt 13XMeNa olga d­on
N-all-trans-retinoyl-L-cysteic acid methyl ester sodium salt XMeNa olga d­on
neutral code neutral label 4uzhoj
o.l. out of limits Studen­tus
Official Medicines Control Laboratory OMCL Michae­lBurov
Op ID operation ID Rada04­14
Op ID operation ID Rada04­14
Orange Book Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations Dimpas­sy
P&T Committee The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Мадам ­Вошкина
PCs Pharmacopoeial Cooperation scheme CRINKU­M-CRANK­UM