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Terms for subject Marketing (38 entries)
cold calling "cold calling"
shop-in-shop "shop-in-shop"
Buying Decision Factors Факторы, влияющие на принятие решения vishar­k
value for price --- jax
form 10K 10-K
10-K report 10-K
form 10Q 10-Q
10-Q report 10-Q
awop Average Weight of Purchase InFree­lance
Boston Consulting Group ( BCG Michae­lBurov
CSR Report Corporate Social Responsibility Report vlad-a­nd-slav
First Moment of Truth FMOT Artjaa­zz
l12y Localizability Artjaa­zz
Multi Level Marketing MLM Michae­lBurov
network marketing MLM Michae­lBurov
multi-level marketing MLM Michae­lBurov
multistep marketing MLM Michae­lBurov
multi-step marketing MLM Michae­lBurov
product launch formula PLF Michae­lBurov
Block rotation Question Block Rotation - Randomization of the order of the list of questions asia_n­ova