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Terms for subject Environment (59 entries)
halocarbon halon
halogenated hydrocarbon halon
halogenic hydrocarbon halon
halon halon
halons halons
halons Halons
HAPs hazardous air pollutants igishe­va
HAPs hazardous air pollutants igishe­va
heptachlor heptachlor
in situ conservation <
Kaltron kaltron
low-carbon economy LCE Michae­lBurov
low-fossil-fuel economy LFFE Michae­lBurov
mailing list (A series of addresses or e-mail addresses to which solicited or unsolicited mass mailings can be sent) mailing list
Meteoalarm Meteoalarm
methamidophos methamidofos
NOEL (Acronym for No Observed Effects Level) NOEL
ozone unit Dobson
POPs persistent organic pollutants igishe­va
POPs persistent organic pollutants igishe­va