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Terms for subject Sakhalin R (25 entries)
AC UPS Alternative Current Uninterrupted Power Supply
FC UPS Alternative Current Uninterrupted Power Supply
CoFP Certificate of Fitness to Produce
DMTU FAS Far East Division of Federal Aviation Service of Russia
ft-lbs Foot-Pounds torque
SO GGTN GGTN District Authority in Sakhalin
n/m2 Newtons per square metre
MChS Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Response Ivanov­ M.
SE DMS SE Document Management System
GlavGosSviasNadzor State Department for Communications in the Russian Federation Ivanov­ M.
ALARP as low as reasonably practicable Alexan­der Dem­idov
bbl barrel of liquid
ft feet
FIREPRAN fire prevention and recovery Alexan­der Dem­idov
hz hertz
hp horse power
kg kilogramme
sls lss
mD milli darcy
ptf per thousand feet