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Terms for subject Sakhalin (256 entries)
30 CFR 250 30 Code of Federal Regulations Part 250
abn abnormal
annual average oc
API gravity measure of liquid specific gravity as defined by the American Petroleum Institute
API RP American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice
ARI average recurrence interval pipa19­84
ASME Petroleum Division American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Petroleum Division
Bopd barrel (of oil) per day
b.s. bottom settings
b.s. and w. bottom sludge and water
Bara Absolute Pressure in Bar
barrel see bbl
bbl standard barrel
bcd barrels per calendar day
bcm billion cubic meters per annum
BETs Bechtel-Enka-TekhnoStroyexport
blpd barrels of liquid per day
BoAC Board Audit Committee
bpcd barrels per calendar day
bpf blows per foot