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Terms for subject Copyright (26 entries)
all rights reserved A statement indicating that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law, such as distribution, performance, and creation of derivative works
all rights reserved that is, they have not waived any such right
CHC Clearinghouse for Copyright
coined term fanciful term 4uzhoj
Committee to Investigate Copyright Problems CICP
Council of Europe Industrial Federation CEIF
fanciful term coined term 4uzhoj
FICPI International Federation of Patent Agents
IFPI number International Federation of the Phonographic Industry Mystic­Kat
Industrial Development Center for Arab States IDCAS
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property AIPPI
International Book Year IBY
International Classification of Patents IPC
International Federation of Actors FIA
International Federation of Musicians FIM
International Federation of the Photographic Industry IFPI
International Film and Television Council IFTC
International Literary and Artistic Association ALPI
International Literary and Artistic Association ILAI
International Secretariat of Entertainment Trade Unions ISETU