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Terms for subject United Kingdom (173 entries)
Cas. in Ch. Cases in Chancery
Cas.Pra.C.P. Cases of Practice, Common Pleas
Cas.Pra.K.B. Cases of Practice, King's Bench
Chit.B.C. Chitty's Reports, Bail Court
Chit.Stat. Chitty's Statutes
CofE Church of England 'More
C. of E. V.C. school Church of England voluntary controlled school Aiduza
C of E VC school Church of England voluntary controlled school Aiduza
C of E V C school Church of England voluntary controlled school Aiduza
C of E (VC) school Church of England voluntary controlled school Aiduza
Coll. Collyer's Chancery Cases
C.P.Coop Common Pleas Cooper's Practice Cases
Con.&Law. Connor and Lawson's Chancery Reports, Ireland
Cooke C.P. Cooke's Common Pleas Reports
Rep.Cas.Pr. Cooke's Practice Cases
Cr.&Ph. Craig and Phillips' Chancery Reports
Cro.Car. Croke's King's Bench Reports temp. Charles I
Cambria Cumbria 4uzhoj
Cun. Cunningham's King's Bench Reports
Cunn. Cunningham's King's Bench Reports