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Terms for subject Architecture (40 entries)
Leadership in Energy and Environment Design LEED
Modular Methods of Construction MMC
National Council for Interior Design Qualification NCIDQ
National Council of Engineering Examiners NCCE
National Society of Professional Engineers NSPE
porch a covered and enclosed entrance to a building, whether taken from the interior, and forming a sort of vestibule within the main wall, or projecting without and with a separate roof
Pre Engineered Building PEB
RAID Registered Architect
serviced apartments short-term accommodation Igem
serviced apartments apart-hotels Igem
serviced apartments business rentals Igem
serviced apartments interim housing Igem
serviced apartments temporary rentals Igem
State Historic Preservation Office SHPO
trimmer a beam into which are framed the ends of headers in floor framing, as when a hole is to be left for stairs, or to avoid bringing joists near chimneys
Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists WAPA