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Terms for subject Commerce (43 entries)
"tamah" tamah
5Ms Machinery, Manpower, Material, Measurement and Method
7-eleven 7-Eleven is part of an international chain of convenience stores, operating under Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd, which in turn is owned by Seven & I Holdings Co. of Japan.2 Pavel
a.m. Contract above mentioned Contract Julind­a
back boiler/gas fire combination backboiler
business-to-consumer B2C
C4ISR AF Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Architecture Framework
cdu counter display unit Sleeps­tream
Continental Bank Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago
Coordinating Committee Coordinating Committee for Export Control
cost,insurance and freight cif
cost,insurance,freight cif
D Level Depot Level of Maintenance
demi chef line cook Alexan­der Osh­is
DoD AF Department of Defense Architecture Framework
DoDIG Department of Defense Inspector General
Enterprise Greece Enterprise Greece
European Society for Opinion and Market Research European Society of Opinion and Marketing
FoLC Fact-Of-Life Change
FoS Family of Systems