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Terms for subject Informal (833 entries)
amp ampoule
carve-up an act or instance of dishonestly prearranging the result of a competition A.Rezv­ov
an' and
an't am not
an't are not
anti-vax movement anti-vaccination movement Phylon­eer
anti-vaxxer a person who does not vaccinate their children in the belief that vaccines are harmful
anti-vaxxer movement anti-vaccination movement Phylon­eer
anywho anyhow
apartment sitting - tend to or care for an apartment when the owner is out of town Berezi­tsky
apple polisher apple shiner Michae­lBurov
apple polisher apple shiner Michae­lBurov
apple-shine apple-polish Michae­lBurov
apple-polish apple-shine Michae­lBurov
aren't are not
aristo aristocrat
around the block have been around the block 4uzhoj
at-a-boy! Atta boy! Andrey­ Truhac­hev
atta that's a 4uzhoj