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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (62 entries)
and Bob's your uncle "no problem", "the solution is simple", "there you have it", you have what you want, all will be well
as common as muck lower-class Abyssl­ooker
bale out to jump out of an airplane with a parachute
bale out to leave or escape a harmful or difficult situation
baptise baptize Senior­ Strate­g
bureau de change a place where foreign currency can be exchanged
carburetter carburettor
chimbley chimney
co-respondent's shoes two-tone shoes Abyssl­ooker
commissionaire a uniformed doorman
Competition and Markets Authority CMA A.Rezv­ov
conker a horse chestnut, used in the game of conkers
eff and blind to swear; to use swear words
enquiry a question
flex electric cord/wire Bobrov­ska
frumple wrinkle Abyssl­ooker
go in for enter a competition or sit an examination
great hundred 120
half half past Abyssl­ooker
half half past Abyssl­ooker