
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user arcaneseeker: 5

30.05.2008 10:59:01 fig. slave at something пахать (разг. "тяжело работать")
30.05.2008 10:59:01 fig. beaver away at something пахать
30.05.2008 10:59:01 fig. sweat blood пахать
30.05.2008 10:59:01 slang beaver away at something пахать
30.05.2008 10:41:18 gen. international passport загранпаспорт (International passport In some countries, the international passport or passport for travel abroad is a second passport, in addition to the internal passport, required for a citizen to travel abroad within the country of residence. In most countries, a passport inside the country is not required (although it might be one... Found op – WAD wikipedia.org)