
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Rada0414: 174  >>

26.05.2024 23:17:07 abbr. med. EFS electric field stimulation
25.05.2024 22:03:01 abbr. pharma. PLLR Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule
9.05.2024 16:38:34 abbr. fin. MMI money market instruments
25.04.2024 10:20:54 abbr. pharma. CT control threshold
24.04.2024 17:31:08 abbr. ophtalm. FARVO Fellow of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
21.04.2024 17:08:21 abbr. med. MASAC Medical and Scientific Advisory Council
21.04.2024 14:48:04 lab.eq. mmc millimetres cubed
16.04.2024 20:18:37 abbr. med. IUS index utility score
28.03.2024 16:22:53 abbr. health. NHI National Health Identifier
25.03.2024 0:10:47 abbr. pharma. LPQ laboratory process qualification
24.03.2024 22:05:09 abbr. pharma. SDAC Sabouraud dextrose agar containing chloramphenicol
22.03.2024 20:39:30 abbr. immunol. IAC immunoaffinity chromatography
22.03.2024 20:26:11 abbr. pharma. VRF virus-retaining filtration
25.02.2024 15:11:04 abbr. pharma. MDR minimum required dilution
21.02.2024 16:01:35 abbr. org.name. EUROCAT European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies
20.02.2024 3:14:27 abbr. R&D. LBA late-breaking abstract
19.02.2024 23:12:44 immunol. pBTK phosphorylated Bruton's tyrosine kinase
19.02.2024 15:30:01 abbr. med. LBA low backache
5.02.2024 20:25:35 abbr. geogr. GBA Greater Bay Area
3.02.2024 20:20:49 abbr. med.appl. L-P lumboperitoneal
3.02.2024 19:59:10 abbr. ETOU enhanced time of use
3.02.2024 14:31:34 abbr. med.appl. SRN Single Registration Number (для медицинских изделий)
30.01.2024 19:17:17 abbr. med.appl. MAUDE Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience
26.01.2024 12:47:04 abbr. med. MEDDEV Guidelines on Medical Devices (мне кажется, более точный вариант, п. ч. MEDDEV есть на разные темы)
23.01.2024 14:31:47 abbr. pharma. GMPC Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate
10.01.2024 11:30:27 abbr. pharma. TTO to take out
4.01.2024 16:29:20 abbr. pharma. HSWM high-shear wet milling
28.12.2023 15:11:23 abbr. MOW most of world
25.12.2023 22:16:29 abbr. oncol. GEJC gastroesophageal junction cancer
25.12.2023 22:13:22 abbr. oncol. FLOT fluorouracil, leucovorin, oxaliplatin, docetaxel
25.12.2023 20:48:41 abbr. med. TACE transarterial chemoembolisation
25.12.2023 14:52:21 pharma. hyd-sulfate hydrogen sulfate
25.12.2023 12:20:22 abbr. oncol. EHCC extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
25.12.2023 12:19:39 abbr. oncol. IHCC intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
12.12.2023 14:21:20 abbr. cardiol. PVL paravalvular leak
8.12.2023 16:13:25 abbr. pharma. ZDL zero dead leg (valve)
19.11.2023 2:20:14 abbr. ophtalm. AFI Air Forced Infusion
16.11.2023 20:53:02 abbr. spectr. RDBE ring double bond equivalent
16.11.2023 20:52:10 abbr. spectr. RDBE Rings and Double Bond Equivalents
8.11.2023 2:29:13 abbr. busin. JPMO Joint Project Management Office
1.09.2023 20:23:21 abbr. clin.trial. VAD Value Added Dataset
1.09.2023 18:56:12 abbr. pharma. CTS Clinical Trial Specialist
1.09.2023 18:48:27 abbr. pharma. CMA Clinical Monitoring Associate
15.08.2023 21:37:58 abbr. pharma. LSGM least squares geometric mean
4.08.2023 7:31:37 abbr. pharma. LAFH laminar air flow hood
4.08.2023 7:31:08 abbr. pharma. LAFH laminar airflow hood
4.08.2023 5:01:53 abbr. pharma. IPA isopropyl alcohol
2.08.2023 9:44:56 pharm. Op ID operation ID
1.08.2023 13:15:41 abbr. pharm. CSO Consumer Safety Officer
1.08.2023 11:51:12 abbr. pharm. OAI official action indicated (fda.gov)
1.08.2023 11:24:20 abbr. pharm. CPGM Compliance Program Guidance Manual
1.08.2023 11:19:23 abbr. pharm. OPQO Office of Pharmaceutical Quality Operations
1.08.2023 8:41:38 abbr. pharm. FEI Firm Establishment Identifier (fda.gov)
1.08.2023 8:29:13 abbr. pharm. FEI FDA Establishment Identifier (fda.gov)
28.07.2023 14:15:06 abbr. pharm. FID formulation identification number (fda.gov)
16.07.2023 1:41:09 abbr. pharm. LPD local product document
12.07.2023 19:18:15 spectr. heteronuclear multiple bond correlation гетероядерная многополосная корреляция
12.07.2023 19:18:03 abbr. spectr. HMBC heteronuclear multiple bond correlation
12.07.2023 19:15:37 abbr. spectr. COZY correlation spectroscopy
10.07.2023 16:39:21 abbr. pharm. LCMT Life Cycle Management Team (Bristol-Myers Squibb AB)
10.07.2023 16:37:56 abbr. pharm. FDT Full Development Team (Bristol-Myers Squibb AB)
9.07.2023 13:20:19 med. pGHD pediatric growth hormone deficiency
3.06.2023 14:54:55 abbr. pharma. TOC test-of-cure
15.05.2023 9:23:24 abbr. oncol. IFS infantile fibrosarcoma
15.05.2023 1:56:01 med.appl. CDx companion diagnostic
13.05.2023 23:50:48 abbr. oncol. MSS microsatellite stability
13.05.2023 21:25:04 abbr. oncol. HBOC hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
7.05.2023 17:09:48 abbr. pharma. CAM Columbia agar medium
7.05.2023 16:59:28 abbr. pharma. MCA MacConkey agar
5.04.2023 23:23:52 abbr. pharma. PMAR population modeling analysis report
4.04.2023 13:41:55 abbr. med. APTTR activated partial thromboplastin time ratio
22.03.2023 14:04:07 abbr. pharma. GRO growth-regulated oncogene
22.03.2023 12:56:25 abbr. pharma. PBNC peripheral blood neutrophil count
14.03.2023 20:53:32 life.sc. hFSHR human follicle-stimulating hormone receptor
14.03.2023 19:59:10 abbr. biotechn. MAM Mammalian Artificial Media
7.03.2023 20:01:38 abbr. med. SUN Standard Uveitis Nomenclature
7.03.2023 16:17:53 abbr. med. PRCSG Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group
4.03.2023 23:33:40 abbr. med. PRINTO Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation
4.03.2023 23:20:54 abbr. med. PHIS Pediatric Health Information System
19.02.2023 22:23:06 abbr. pharma. SOB specific obligation (europa.eu)
17.02.2023 1:56:09 abbr. pharma. MR metabolic ratio
16.02.2023 21:59:51 abbr. pharma. VPC visual predictive check
12.02.2023 15:38:34 abbr. med. ICLA International Liver Cancer Association
10.02.2023 18:14:46 abbr. med. SACP selective antegrade cerebral perfusion
10.02.2023 14:09:48 abbr. med. FTOE fraction of tissue oxygen extraction
8.02.2023 1:29:17 abbr. med. BRS burst suppression ratio
24.01.2023 18:43:00 abbr. pharma. RHS reference house standard
18.12.2022 21:20:59 unit.meas. microjoule µJ
18.12.2022 19:52:32 abbr. med. QUEST Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire
18.12.2022 19:51:05 abbr. med. QUEST Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test
17.12.2022 21:10:16 abbr. med.appl. SSCP Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance
17.12.2022 19:34:26 abbr. med. SHI Speech Handicap Index
17.12.2022 19:31:26 abbr. med. SAS Starkstein Apathy Scale
17.12.2022 1:35:12 abbr. clin.trial. EAC endpoint adjudication committee
16.12.2022 22:27:44 abbr. med. BFMDRS Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale
16.12.2022 21:36:23 abbr. med. PDSS Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale
16.12.2022 21:21:16 abbr. med. ZBI Zarit Burden Interview
1.12.2022 21:47:05 abbr. OHS OML overall migration limit
1.12.2022 19:41:10 abbr. pack. PELD low-density polyethylene
16.11.2022 0:08:30 abbr. pharma. PPPM per patient per month

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