
 English thesaurus - terms added by user CRINKUM-CRANKUM: 389  << | >>

27.05.2024 11:06:41 abbr. health. QCL quality control laboratory
22.05.2024 14:49:34 abbr. pediatr. PIP Paediatric Investigation Plan
21.05.2024 13:45:16 abbr. health. BPPL Bacterial Priority Pathogens List
21.05.2024 11:44:23 abbr. drug.name OHPC hydroxyprogesterone caproate
16.05.2024 10:42:01 abbr. pharma. RMID raw material identification
13.05.2024 11:11:30 abbr. pharm. EMDAC Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee (FDA)
17.04.2024 17:14:59 abbr. health. CACSE Committee for the Advancement of Clinical and Scientific Education
8.04.2024 9:45:42 abbr. health. GONE Global Onchocerciasis Network for Elimination
5.04.2024 13:21:07 abbr. health. DIGEMID Peru's General Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs
5.04.2024 13:18:56 abbr. health. AMDF African Medical Devices Forum
22.03.2024 9:12:48 health. SpO2 arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry
22.03.2024 9:11:54 abbr. health. QECH Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital
22.03.2024 9:11:01 abbr. health. CLHP Child Lung Health Programme
22.03.2024 9:10:33 abbr. health. CHAM Christian Health Association of Malawi
21.03.2024 9:57:12 abbr. pharma. SPOR Substance, Product, Organisation, Referentials
20.02.2024 10:47:54 abbr. pharm. CCS container closure system
12.02.2024 13:03:20 abbr. health. PCD paclitaxel coated device
12.02.2024 10:07:16 abbr. health. PCAB Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board
9.02.2024 11:01:40 abbr. cinema MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe
7.02.2024 11:46:55 abbr. health. HTAP Health Technology Access Pool
5.02.2024 17:12:31 abbr. health. HFPM Health Financing Progress Matrix
30.01.2024 10:45:12 abbr. health. WGIHR Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations
25.01.2024 11:04:19 abbr. pharma. CACI compounding aseptic containment isolator
16.01.2024 9:33:17 abbr. health. CETA Controlled Environment Testing Association
12.01.2024 10:09:33 abbr. SFAO Swiss Federal Audit Office
10.01.2024 8:59:56 abbr. health. ARSA Honduras's Sanitary Regulatory Agency
9.01.2024 14:04:03 abbr. health. NSWS National Single Window System
27.12.2023 10:34:51 health. EAGeR Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction
26.12.2023 10:26:48 abbr. gov. SAMR State Administration for Market Regulation
22.12.2023 9:29:39 abbr. pharma. RTA ready to administer
20.12.2023 14:16:43 abbr. health. ARSCA Ecuador's Regulatory, Surveillance and Control National Agency
18.12.2023 13:19:36 abbr. health. BPTF Bulk Pharmaceuticals Task Force
18.12.2023 9:22:17 abbr. KEI Knowledge Ecology International
18.12.2023 9:14:37 abbr. health. NCPE National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics
18.12.2023 9:12:25 abbr. health. CADTH Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
6.12.2023 14:15:36 abbr. SSB sugary sweetened beverages
5.12.2023 9:22:31 abbr. health. GHWP Global Harmonization Working Party
28.11.2023 13:09:44 abbr. health. ATACH Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health
21.11.2023 10:12:03 abbr. health. NPRA National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (of Malaysia)
17.11.2023 11:49:04 abbr. pharma. LGWP low global warming potential
15.11.2023 11:12:21 abbr. health. SMC seasonal malaria chemoprevention
15.11.2023 10:12:25 abbr. health. ADEPT Advancing the Development of Pediatric Therapeutics
14.11.2023 13:55:55 abbr. health. C-PEC containment primary engineering control (a ventilated device designed to minimize the exposure of workers and the environment to hazardous products when such products are being handled directly)
9.11.2023 13:10:16 abbr. health. PPBHK Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong
9.11.2023 10:38:35 abbr. health. GSIPC Global Strategy on Infection Prevention and Control
9.11.2023 10:06:17 abbr. health. GPMB Global Preparedness and Monitoring Board
7.11.2023 13:29:37 abbr. health. SSSI serious scarcity substitution instrument
2.11.2023 9:57:55 abbr. med. PASC post-acute sequelae condition (постковидный синдром)
16.10.2023 10:34:16 immunol. TpoR thrombopoietin receptor
12.10.2023 10:52:14 abbr. med. LASA look-alike, sound-alike (Medication errors are a leading cause of patient harm globally. Look-alike, sound-alike (LASA) medicines are a well-recognized cause of medication errors that are due to orthographic (look-alike) and phonetic (sound-alike) similarities between medicines, which can be confusing)
9.10.2023 11:45:48 health. ISoP International Society of Pharmacometrics
29.09.2023 10:43:11 abbr. CUIMC Columbia University Irving Medical Center (Медицинский центр Ирвинга при Колумбийском университете)
22.09.2023 13:38:43 abbr. health. IDAP Innovative Devices Access Pathway
21.09.2023 11:01:22 abbr. health. NQCL national quality control laboratory
21.09.2023 9:25:44 abbr. health. LNS Laboratory Networks and Services (ВОЗ)
14.09.2023 16:16:43 abbr. health. PSRPH potential serious risk to public health
14.09.2023 10:21:56 med., dis. nAMD neovascular age related macular degeneration
14.09.2023 9:33:09 abbr. FAIR Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reuse
13.09.2023 13:59:00 abbr. health. POL Popular Opinion Leader
13.09.2023 9:35:05 abbr. health. MDVP Medical Devices Vigilance Program (TGA)
11.09.2023 15:04:14 abbr. health. WAC wholesale acquisition cost (is the price of a medication set by a pharmaceutical manufacturer in the United States when selling to a wholesaler)
8.09.2023 9:34:14 abbr. health. EUHTA European Health Technology Assessment
7.09.2023 11:27:36 health. eDRLS Electronic Drug Registration and Listing
4.09.2023 16:21:06 abbr. health. C-TAP COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (WHO)
4.09.2023 13:49:55 abbr. health. GACVS Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
4.09.2023 13:34:28 abbr. health. CRP Collaborative Registration Procedure
4.09.2023 13:27:56 abbr. health. VCP vector control product
4.09.2023 13:20:59 health. PQ Rx/Vx/Dx WHO Prequalification of medicines, vaccines and in-vitro diagnostics
1.09.2023 14:13:47 abbr. health. ECDRP European Commission Decision Reliance Procedure
30.08.2023 11:56:23 abbr. immunol. RU resonance unit
24.08.2023 14:38:50 microsc. SPRm Surface Plasmon Resonance Microscopy
15.08.2023 10:45:55 abbr. biochem. NMOR N-nitroso-morpholine
15.08.2023 10:44:43 abbr. biochem. NPYR N-nitroso-pyrrolidine
15.08.2023 10:42:46 immunol. NDPh N-nitroso-diphenylamine
15.08.2023 10:34:52 abbr. immunol. TTC threshold of theoretical concern
15.08.2023 10:30:38 abbr. immunol. LCD Lhasa Carcinogenicity Database
15.08.2023 10:04:54 abbr. pharma. SAR structure-activity-relationship
14.08.2023 15:08:38 abbr. pharma. LTL less than lifetime
10.08.2023 13:45:13 abbr. health. VUM variant under monitoring (ВОЗ)
9.08.2023 9:15:35 abbr. health. AEMPS Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices
7.08.2023 16:47:57 abbr. health. VDEC Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre
7.08.2023 14:10:50 abbr. IGAP Intersectoral global action plan
19.07.2023 17:44:37 abbr. health. BDSG Big Data Steering Group
19.07.2023 12:04:27 abbr. med. BFCA bifunctional chelating agent
12.07.2023 16:35:15 abbr. immunol. CPT convalescent plasma therapy
10.07.2023 15:18:59 abbr. pharma. APIC Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee
6.07.2023 15:21:45 abbr. health. ARIA Active Risk Identification and Analysis
6.07.2023 15:16:14 abbr. health. INVIMA Colombia's National Food and Drug Surveillance Institute
6.07.2023 15:15:23 abbr. health. MSPAS Guatemala's Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance
5.07.2023 9:43:01 abbr. health. KNMP Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association
4.07.2023 15:06:41 abbr. health. PRET Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats
3.07.2023 12:00:50 abbr. health. CSDD Center for the Study of Drug Development
23.06.2023 14:00:07 abbr. health. AAM Association for Accessible Medicines
21.06.2023 10:48:41 abbr. health. HSA Singapore's Health Sciences Authority
21.06.2023 10:45:38 abbr. health. DIGEMAPS General Directorate for Medicine, Food and Sanitary Products of the Dominican Republic
21.06.2023 10:42:10 abbr. health. AMLAC Latin American and Caribbean Medicines Agency
20.06.2023 16:07:12 abbr. health. EDA Egyptian Drug Authority
19.06.2023 13:59:57 abbr. health. PSG product specific guidances (FDA)
19.06.2023 11:54:12 abbr. health. FADAB Forum on Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behaviours
15.06.2023 13:21:04 abbr. health. GHDDI Global Health Drug Discovery Institute

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