מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. schedule
מחש. program
.טֶכנו platform
.מֵטֵא software
.מיקרו computer program; program
.ממשל scheme
| Justicia
.פטנטי judicature
| para
.מָתֵי to
| el
כלל. he
| crecimiento
.בריאו growth
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

שם עצם | פועל | צירופים
programa m
.טֶכנו platform (partidos políticos)
.מֵטֵא software
.מיקרו computer program (A set of instructions in some computer language intended to be executed on a computer so as to perform some task. The term usually implies a self-contained entity, as opposed to a routine or a library); program (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management)
.ממשל scheme
.קרן ה scheme (SCN93); system (SCN93); arrangement (SCN93); regime (SCN93)
schedule; agenda
מחש. program
programa v
כלל. schedule plan for the day
program; programme
ן;.נדל&q schedule (de pagos de amortización)
programar v
.טכנול program
.טכנול, .טֶכנו to code; to program
.יַעֲר pre-set
.מיקרו schedule (To program a computer to perform a specified action at a specified time and date)
.תעשיי programme (verb)
programado v
כלל. scheduled
Programar v
.מיקרו Schedule (A button that launches the Service Scheduling form)
programas v
programa "Justicia para: 11 צירופים, 2 נושאים
דין פרוצדורלי1