מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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Hilfsprogramm n
כלל. auxiliary program; auxiliary routine; tool
.טֶכנו aid program
.טכנול service program; service programme; utility program; utility programme
.כַּלְ aid programme; relief program
.מיקרו utility (A computer program that performs a specific support function required by the operating system, by other programs, or by system users); helper (An application intended to be launched by a Web browser when the browser downloads a file that it is not able to process itself. Examples of helper applications are sound and movie players. Helper applications generally must be obtained and installed by users; they usually are not included in the browser itself); helper application (An application intended to be launched by a Web browser when the browser downloads a file that it is not able to process itself. Examples of helper applications are sound and movie players. Helper applications generally must be obtained and installed by users; they usually are not included in the browser itself); utility (A computer program that performs a specific support function required by the operating system, by other programs, or by system users); utility program (A computer program that performs a specific support function required by the operating system, by other programs, or by system users); program aid routine; routine
.פטנטי subroutine
Hilfsprogramme n
כלל. utilities
.פוליג tools
Hilfsprogramm: 19 צירופים, 6 נושאים
קרן המטבע הבינלאומית1