מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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утопиться vמתח
Gruzovik drown oneself (pf of топиться); melt (pf of утапливаться)
כלל. drown oneself; render; drown (Andrey Truhachev); die by drowning oneself; jump into the river
.לא רש melt (down)
.רִשְׁ take one's own life by drowning (Almost simultaneous with the receipt of a dramatic note from her husband, Michael, declaring he was taking his own life by drowning, Mrs. Lucy Quilligan of 413 Beach Street, was informed this morning by a telegram from the Brooklyn police that a body, believed to be that of her husband, was washed ashore. (Don Juan Quilligan, 1945) ART Vancouver)
make a hole in the water
утопить v
Gruzovik sink; bury; embed
כלל. throw over the bridge; embed (in); stifle; stoke; bury; give heat; heat; sink (with в + prepl. or acc., into); submerge (также перен.); wreck; fire
.לא רש flood; melt (down)
.נַוָט send to the bottom
.סְלֶנ deep-six (4uzhoj)
.צִיוּ doom; suppress
.צִיוּ, .לא רש ruin
.ציוד sink in (винт, заклёпку)
Gruzovik, .לא רש melt down (pf of утапливать); flood; submerge (also fig)
Gruzovik, .צִיוּ doom (pf of топить); ruin (pf of топить); wreck (pf of топить); suppress; stifle
drown (В.И.Макаров); sink in (винт, заклепку)
"утопить" v
throw someone over the bridge (подвести кого-либо)
утопиться: 46 צירופים, 12 נושאים
הנדסת מכונות1
לא רשמי6
נדיר / נדיר2